Incidents Window - Tabs


As you selected the location before you clicked Add New, the Location field is automatically populated.

There are three mandatory fields: What Happened, Occurred Date/Time, and Reported By.

ID This Incident ID number is generated automatically. It will remain as zero while you are adding a new incident, with the number displayed when you reopen this incident.
Location This is autofilled with the location selected at the time you clicked Add New. If this location is not correct, cancel the new incident to return to the Incidents screen, then select the correct location before creating a new incident.
What Happened:

Provide a clear summary of the incident that has occurred, within the maximum 36 characters. This will assist with reporting on and understanding the incident.

Occurred date / time:

Type in the date and time the incident occurred.

Reported date / time: Type in the date and time the incident was reported.
Reported by: This is the person who reported the incident and brought it to the attention of a responsible person (e.g. Management or a Health & Safety Committee member).
Reported to: This is the name of the responsible person (to whom the incident was reported).
Co-ordinator: This is the owner of this incident. This person is tasked with ensuring that the incident is addressed.
Incident Type:

This field is used if you are not using AS1885.

Select, or add, Lost Time Incident or another relevant choice. For example, if you want to view the Location Statistics for Medically Treated Injuries, select 'Medical Treatment' or choose 'Add New' to create this Incident Type (this is written back to the Incident Types Validation Table).

Linked Risk/Hazard:

If the incident can be linked back to a reported hazard, select that hazard via the drop-down arrow.

Linked Plant/Equipment If the incident can be linked back to a Plant/Equipment item, select that item via the drop-down arrow.
Injury Register: Tick this box if these details have been recorded on the company’s Injury Register.
Compensation Claim:

Tick this box if the injured person has applied for a compensation claim for this incident.

This refers to Australian Standard 1885. See Incidents Details - AS1885 for more information on this section.
Closed date / time:

Once all investigations by internal sources/relevant government authority (if required) are complete, and actions relating to the incident have also been completed, the incident may be recorded as closed. Specify the closure date and time here.

Closed by: Select the name of the person who is recording that this incident is closed. This will typically be the Incident Coordinator.
Notes: Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a more detailed description of the incident.

Action Items

In this tab you can add Action Items, which are creating new tasks, recording phone messages or sending emails. See Using Actions for more information.


In this tab you store information regarding witnesses to the incident.

Add witness details

  1. Open the correct location and Incident, and then select the Witnesses tab.
  2. Double click an existing entry, or click Add New, to open the Incidents Witness window.
  3. Begin typing the witness name - this will begin to narrow down the choices until the correct name is shown. If there are multiple choices (or you don't want to type the whole name), you may select the appropriate name and click OK. If the name is not displayed, you may need to change the search criteria from Search in Contacts to Search in Employees (or vice versa). Click the Witness drop-down arrow to utilise this option, then repeat the search.
  4. If this is the main witness, tick the Primary witness box. If ticked, this name will appear next to this box on each additional witness you add to the incident.
  5. Type in the text for the Witness statement.
  1. Alternatively, you can use existing text for the Witness statement:
    If this is in TXT or HTML format, you may use the Open button to locate and insert the file.
    If it is any other formats, such as within an existing document, you will need to copy the text and Paste it into the Witness statement.
  2. The Statement contained in this window can be saved to another location. Click Save. Specify the appropriate save location, and note that it can be saved in RTF, HTML or TXT format.
  3. The Statement can be printed. Click Print.
  4. Click OK to save the details and close the Incidents Witness window.

External Witnesses

Note that if the person injured was not an employee or an existing member of an Institution/Company already set up in the database, you will need to add this person as an Institution ContactThis is done via HR | HR Framework | Institution. along with their contact details.

  • We suggest that you create an institution named ‘General Public’ – whenever necessary a new contact can be added to this institution.
  • Once they have been added, you will be able to search for their name in the same way as employees.

Affected Persons

If any injuries were sustained due to the incident, you will need to record the details on the Affected Persons tab.

Actions Items

The Actions Items tab is described in detail in Incidents - Actions.

Documents & Images

In this tab you can add documents and images which are relevant to the current incident. This might include medical certificates, return to work plans, or Workcover compensation claim forms. For a detailed explanation of this process, please see Documents in OHS.

User Defined Fields

You may create any new field that is appropriate to Incidents OH&S. To create UDFs, see User Defined Fields (UDFs). Also see User Defined Fields within OHS for more specific information.


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